
19 + 26

It was both of my brothers birthdays last week.  July babies.  Only just a few days apart except for in different years.  We didn't get to celebrate Tyler's birthday since he's living up in Seattle but we did have a nice chat with him on the phone.  For Trevor's birthday we went out for dinner.  Prime rib!  He was very happy and it was actually a nice family dinner.  I still can't wrap my head around how old we're all getting though.  Tyler turned 26 and Trevor 19.  However, it seems like just a few years ago we were still kids again with the two of them always ganging up on me, or playing copious amounts of Nintendo 64 (Super Smash Brothers was our crack), or riding our bikes/skateboards/scooters around our neighborhood.  As much as I wished I had a sister growing up, I am so grateful to have two brothers.  I may have suffered a lot of bruises growing up from all the horse playing or was always out voted in which TV show we would watch (hence, a lot of Gundam, Dragonball Z, and Pokemon), but at least I always had two people around that I could always play with.  I have nothing against only children (my best friend is one), but seriously having another sibling around growing up is so much fun.  

I'm really glad that my brothers and I will all be living in the same city together soon.  It's been years since we've all lived in the same place together.  Even though we'll all be leading separate, busy lives it's very comforting to know that family is just a short ride away.  I'm hoping that we will grow back to that closeness we shared back when we were kids.  It's been way too long.