When I was younger my family used to take a lot of mini vacations to the outer islands. I remember going fishing on the Big Island, mountain biking at Mokuleia Ranch, and slipping down the water slides at the Hyatt Regency in Maui (where the above pictures are taken). In the fifth grade, my grandparents took me and all my cousins on a cruise around the entire Hawaiian Islands. It was probably one of the best weeks of my life. I haven't been to an outer island since high school (for band camp, bleh) and lately, I've had this urge to go on an island hopping adventure. A friend and I have been discussing possible weekend getaways to Kauai this summer. I've always wanted to see the Na Pali coast and hike the treacherous Kalaulau trail. I like to travel for fun at least once every summer, and since I already blew so much money flying for interviews this year, I think a small, inexpensive trip is just what I need to keep my perpetual wanderlust at bay. At least for the time being.